Love Romances is all for you

Just write down the name of your crush, and if possible his Facebook or Friendster link and we will tell them your message without him/her knowing it was you.

Love Letter

My Sweetheart,
We are now many miles away from each other and I just miss you so much. I am always longing to see you, so that I can touch you and kiss you.
I want to hug you. I want to feel your sweet embraces but how can I possibly do that when you are so far away.
How I wish you were here with me now. I could have hold tight, but all I can do as of this moment in order to be near you, is to keep hold in my heart all the lovely things we have been sharing since the day we fell in love and until now.
I promise you, no one can come between us. I will always stay faithful to our love. I know that I am your one and only love. That is why my trust to you is as big as my love for you.
Though we maybe far from each other, we may not be able hold each other for now, we are still together, we are so near because of the love that we both have in our hearts.